Limitless Self-Hypnosis

Learn Self-Hypnosis, the easy way

With Limitless Self-Hypnosis, you can open up access to your subconscious and make profound changes yourself.

DHV Florian Günther Berlin Hypnose
NGH Florian Günther Berlin Hypnose
Deutsche Institut für Klinische Hypnose

Self-Hypnosis is the new Awareness

What you learn at the course Limitless Self-Hypnosis

During the course, you’ll learn how to put yourself in deep hypnosis within seconds. Self-hypnosis can be easily integrated into the day because 30 seconds are enough to get results.

What you can do after learning Self-Hypnosis in Berlin

The following topics can be addressed with Limitless Self-Hypnosis:

  • more energy
  • less procrastination
  • more perseverance
  • more motivation (e.g. for sports)
  • more relaxation
  • less nervousness
  • more patience & tolerance
  • sleep better
  • faster learning
  • better concentration
  • more efficient work
  • better performance in exams
  • easy weight loss
  • drink less
  • smoke less
  • Reduce dependencies
  • more self-confidence
  • less afraid
  • more courage
  • less self-sabotage

An Introduction to Self-Hypnosis in Berlin

Do you know these moments when everything gets too much for you?
Your thoughts are constantly circling around the things that still need to be done? Every little task feels too much?
Are you scared or can not motivate you to tackle tasks, even though you know they are necessary?
You can not come to rest at night … maybe you suffer from stress symptoms and feel driven?

Then here comes your solution!

In our workshop – Limitless Self-Hypnosis – you will learn:
– to take positive influence on your body & mind with just 30 seconds a day
– to relax deeply in no time
– to deepen yourself
– how suggestions work can work for you

You will experience Trance live.

Used regularly, self-hypnosis leads to:
– active stress reduction
– more well-being
– inner balance
– faster regeneration and much more
Wenn Du Lust auf eine Auszeit vom Alltag hast und Selbsthypnose in Zukunft für Dich nutzen möchtest, dann melde Dich direkt jetzt hier an.
Dein Early Bird Schnäppchen für 25,00€.

The Speaker

Hypnose Berlin Florian Günther Nichtraucherhypnose

Florian Günther



Learn Self Hypnosis in Berlin

Sign up for the next Self-Hypnosis Event:

Überforderung lösen durch Selbsthypnose!

Nächster Termin: 21.11.2019

Uhrzeit: 19:00 bis 21:00 Uhr

Referenten:  Philip Müller & Florian Günther

Ort: Praxis für Naturheilkunde, Pestalozzistr 84, 10627 Berlin-Charlottenburg

Sprache: Deutsch

An Introduction to Self-Hypnosis (Eng)

Next Event: 30.01.2019

Time: 7:00h to 9:00h pm

Speaker:  Florian Günther

Location: Praxis für Naturheilkunde, Pestalozzistr 84, 10627 Berlin-Charlottenburg

Language: English

Buy your ticket here now:

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